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What To Do If You Get Into a Car Accident

After a car accident, you may feel disoriented and confused, so we have provided the seven key steps to act upon following a collision, as well as a handy accident report card to make sure you get all the info you’ll need.

Move out of the way

Try and move your vehicle to the shoulder of the road, if and when it’s safe to do so. If it’s not feasible to move your car, at least turn on your hazard lights to warn other drivers.

Exit your vehicle

Stop your vehicle and turn off the engine. Put the car in “park” and make sure it’s safe to exit before opening your door. Use flares if you have them.

Summon the police

You know how important a police accident report can be for insurance purposes, even in minor fender benders, so don’t hesitate to call law enforcement. Never admit fault or accuse others at the scene, but cooperate fully with the police.

Write down all the information:

Accident Report
Use this handy wallet-size card to document all the information you’ll need for an insurance claim. If you have a smartphone, take pictures of the accident scene Make sure your phone is fully charged before you set out on a trip.

Call Your Own Towing Company

If you allow the police (or another party) to call the tow truck, you may have trouble locating it later, and there is a good chance you will be overcharged for the service. Police tow trucks sometimes tow your vehicle to police yards where you will be charged for storage. Did you know there are unscrupulous tow truck operators who listen to police scanners and then rush to the scene of an accident? If you’re the victim of a car accident, do not be victimized a second time by shady tow truck drivers looking to rip you off.

Call Green Towing – The Accident Specialists

When it comes to accident towing and recovery, no one in Los Angeles has more experience or more resources for accident towing than Green. After your car’s been in an accident, it requires special handling to make sure the damage is contained. Green Towing has towed more accident cars with broken axles, missing wheels, and totaled chassis than all the other L.A. Tow services put together. Call Green Towing when your car is involved in a car accident, and we’ll take care of everything.

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